Small Business Loan For fast funds
Funds to cover cash flow or help you grow
Borrow from $5K up to $150K
Funding possible within hours
No upfront security
No need to put your house or other assets down as security to access up to $150K in Prospa funding.
Flexible repayments
Make unlimited extra repayments to save on interest and pay off your loan faster
Manage anytime, anywhere
Manage your cash flow on the go with the Prospa App or Prospa Online
Apply online
Apply online
Get a fast decision
Get a fast decision
Access your funds
Access your funds
Easily manage
cash flow
on the go
Stay on top of your repayments
Common questions answered
When you apply for our business loan, we will assess the risk profile of your business and provide you with a customised offer including loan amount, term and interest rate. The Prospa business loan is an upfront priced loan so you will know in advance the total amount payable including any interest, fees or charges.
Business loan interest rates vary due to factors including the amount borrowed, what business assets the funds will be used for, the industry the business operates in, how long the business has been running, whether the business has sufficient cash flow to support the loan, and the overall ‘health’ or creditworthiness of the business.
There are no hidden fees for our business loans, and you’ll know exactly how much you need to pay, and when, from day one. There’s no compounding interest and no additional fees (as long as you make your payments on time).
Prospa doesn’t charge an Application Fee. You can apply for a loan with Prospa with no upfront cost or obligation to proceed.
The Origination Fee covers the costs associated with setting up and managing the loan. You are only charged this fee if you proceed with the loan.
You can choose to repay the entire amount of your loan early at any time.
If you decide to do this please speak to our friendly business loan specialists on 0800 005 797. They will provide you with repayment details and an early payout figure. This will be calculated as the total of the remaining principal amount and any accrued interest at the date of early payout, plus 1.5% of the remaining principal and any outstanding fees.
We understand that circumstances can change. That’s why we offer a 14-day Change of Mind Policy. If you decide you no longer want the funds, you can cancel your loan agreement and return the funds free of charge, as long as it’s within 14 days of your loan agreement date.
To take advantage of this policy, simply contact one of our lending specialists at +64 800 005 797, and we’ll assist you with the process.
If it’s been more than 14 days since your loan agreement date, you still have the option to pay off your loan in full to minimise interest costs. However, please note that fees and charges will still apply. For assistance with a full payout, reach out to our lending specialists at +64 800 005 797.
To help you avoid missing repayments and to fit in with your cash flow cycle we offer weekly repayments. These are automatically deducted from your nominated business account.
Prospa‘s Small Business Loans offers amounts between $5K and $150K with terms between 3 and 36 months and cash flow friendly repayments that are weekly.
You can apply for the Prospa Small Business Loan in under 10 minutes online or over the phone, receive a same day response and the funds could be in your account in 24 hours. Traditional business loans reference an interest rate per annum plus other fees and charges. The Prospa business loan is an upfront priced loan so you will know in advance the total amount payable including any interest, fees or charges. This is then broken down into a weekly repayment figure.
A Prospa Small Business Loan can be used for almost any business purpose including cash flow management, business renovations, marketing, to purchase inventory or new equipment, as general working capital and much more. The loan cannot be used for personal purposes.